2025-02-27来源: 艺术中国 |
展览海报 展览名称:又见桃花源—沈岳&阿海&林海钟作品展 策展人:冯黎敏 执行策展:吴文秀 吕真 展期:2025.03.1- 2025.05.30 主办:瀚阳艺术中心 地点:杭州西湖区 曙光路120号黄龙饭店 西大堂 春光明媚,好展开启。“又见桃花源——沈岳、阿海、林海钟作品展”将于2025年3月1日(周六)在瀚阳艺术中心开幕。“又见桃花源”是瀚阳艺术中心上一个展览“如是我心”的延续,也是其对“桃花源”这一主题的再次探索。 本次展览共展出作品46件,皆为艺术家的新作。三位艺术家创作的题材虽风格迥异,表达主旨却内核相通。他们以各自的方式,重新诠释了“桃花源”这一极具东方意蕴的文化符号。 无论是沈岳笔墨间的忘我之境,阿海画纸斑驳中的澄明之光,亦或是海钟所描绘的湖山之间的心灵栖息,都在传递着同一个讯息:当你的心与世界、与天地万物链接在一起的时候,你就会感到无上的清凉与光明。而有过那样境界的人,是不会再有烦恼和疑惑的。 心中若有“桃花源”,何处不是水云间。 这是瀚阳艺术中心在黄龙饭店艺术长廊举办的第七十五期展览,展期至2025年5月30日结束。欢迎莅临观展。 沈岳 | 又见桃花源 | 纸本水墨 135×68.5cm 2025 序言(节选) Preface(Excerpt) 沈岳出生于杭州,是中国美术学院(原浙江美术学院)恢复高考后的首届中国画专业学生。自幼师从陆俨少、吴茀之等大家,他深谙传统笔墨的精髓,却又不受其束缚。他的创作横跨绘画、陶艺、影像、装置和雕塑,展现出极强的跨界能力。这种自由的表达方式,正是他内心“解衣磅礴”气质的体现。 Born in Hangzhou, Shen Yue was the first student of Chinese painting at the China Academy of Art (formerly Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts) after the resumption of the college entrance examination. Since childhood, he has studied under Lu Yanshao, Wu Fuzhi and other masters, and he is well versed in the essence of traditional brush and ink, but he is not bound by it. His practice spans painting, ceramics, video, installation and sculpture, showing a strong cross-border ability. This kind of free expression is the embodiment of his inner "undressing" temperament. 沈岳 「又见桃源」系列之一 纸本水墨 22.7x34.3cm 2025 沈岳的花鸟尤为动人。他笔下的桃花灼灼绽放,鸟儿自由翱翔,画面中洋溢着自然的生机与活力。然而,这些作品并非简单的自然摹写,而是艺术家内心的流露。在他的画中,花枝的勃然、鸟儿的叽喳,都是对自由与和谐的礼赞。他用纸和墨构筑了一个属于自己的 “ 桃花源 ”,那里没有束缚,只有盎然的生命力与绚烂。 沈岳 「又见桃源」系列之一 纸本水墨110x61.5cm 2025 Shen Yue's depictions of birds and flowers are particularly evocative. His peach blossoms and birds seem to soar freely, imbuing the artwork with a sense of natural vitality and vigor. However, these creations are not mere representations of nature; they are expressions of the artist's inner emotions. In his paintings, the flourishing branches of flowers and the melodious chirping of birds serve as a tribute to freedom and harmony. Using paper and ink, he has constructed his own "Peach Blossom Spring," a place devoid of constraints, filled instead with abundant vitality and splendor. 阿海 | 如是·之一 | 纸本设色 178.5×93cm 2020 阿海是南京人,早年就读于南京艺术学院美术系中国画专业。在充满理想主义与新潮思想的八十年代,他深受艺术氛围的滋养,逐渐形成了独特的绘画风格。他的作品题材广泛,涵盖花卉、人物、佛像、静物和山水,画面底色常显暗淡斑驳,但近看却极其丰富,耐人寻味。阿海的创作过程充满实验性。他善于 “ 重启 ” 与 “ 破坏 ” ,将偶然性与随机性融入画面,创造出斑驳淋漓的视觉效果,甚至呈现出奇妙的金属质感。这种看似无序的表达,实则是对秩序与和谐的深层探索。他的作品意境悠远,或神秘,或晦涩,但总能让人感受到一种温润与清朗的力量。正如他笔下的鸢尾花,在微风中轻轻摇曳,以特有的热情与勇气,迎向这个遍布尘埃的世界,给人以抚慰与希望。 阿海 暗香 66x95cm 纸本设色 2014 阿海 鸢尾·之一 72x136cm 纸本水墨 2024 Anative of Nanjing, Ah Hai studied at the Fine Arts Department of the NanjingUniversity of the Arts,majoring in Chinese painting. During the 1980s, a period rich in idealism andnew wave ideas, he was profoundly influenced by the artistic atmosphere of thetime, which helped him gradually develop a unique painting style. His worksencompass a diverse range of subjects, including flowers, figures, Buddhiststatues, still lifes, and landscapes. The undertones of his paintings are oftendark and mottled; however, upon closer inspection, they reveal an extraordinaryrichness and intrigue. Ah Hai's creativeprocess is characterized by experimentation. He excels in"restarting" and "destroying" elements within his work,incorporating chance and randomness to create dappled visual effects and evenachieving a remarkable metallic texture. This seemingly chaotic expression is,in fact, a profound exploration of order and harmony. His artwork carries deepmeanings, often appearing mysterious or obscure, yet it consistently evokes awarm and clarifying energy. Much like his irises gently swaying in the breeze,his paintings embrace the world with unique passion and courage, offeringcomfort and hope to viewers. 林海钟 香象如意图 144x76.5cm 纸本水墨 2024 林海钟自幼居于杭州宝石山下,西湖的烟云幻灭、风柳桃花深深滋养了他的艺术灵魂。他的作品以山水为主,传承中国画的古意,倡导 “ 以书入画,笔墨为宗 ” 。他将历代文人墨客对西湖的赞美融入笔尖,记录下与这片湖山的不解之缘。林海钟的山水画线条苍劲柔美,皴染变化有致,表现出山水的萧散、虚静与澄明。他的笔触看似漫不经心,实则暗含匠心,常在无心处显露出意存笔外的洒脱与飘逸。他深谙 “ 造化 ” 与 “ 心 ” 的关系:造化是自然山水的妙趣,而心则是艺术家的情操与胸怀。只有将二者融为一体,才能在山水世界中 “ 畅神 ” ,找到心灵的栖居地。 林海钟 石门台九叠瀑 34.5x34.5cm 纸本水墨 2024年 Lin Haizhong grew up beneath the Jewel Mountain in Hangzhou, where his artistic spirit was profoundly nourished by the misty clouds and reflections of West Lake, as well as the dancing willows and blooming peach trees. His works primarily focus on landscapes, inheriting the ancient principles of Chinese painting and emphasizing the philosophy of "painting with calligraphy, brush, and ink." He channels the praises of past literati and artists associated with West Lake through the tip of his brush, capturing the enduring relationship he shares with this landscape. Lin Haizhong's landscape paintings are characterized by strong yet gentle lines, displaying a rich variety that conveys dispersion, emptiness, and clarity within the scenery. At first glance, his brushwork may appear casual; however, it is imbued with craftsmanship, often revealing intentionality in unexpected places—balancing spontaneity with deliberate expression. He recognizes the interplay between "creation" and "heart": creation embodies the beauty of the natural landscape, while the heart reflects the artist's sentiments and thoughts. Only by integrating these two elements can one discover a place for the heart to reside within the realm of landscape. 林海钟 千岩叠翠 78x218cm 纸本设色 2024 “桃花源”不仅是地理意义上的秘境,更是心灵深处的理想国。本次展览的三位艺术家创作题材虽风格迥异,表达主旨却内核相通。他们以各自的方式,重新诠释了“桃花源”这一极具东方意蕴的文化符号。无论是沈岳笔墨间的忘我之境,阿海画纸斑驳中的澄明之光,亦或是海钟所描绘的湖山之间的心灵栖息,都在传递着同一个讯息:当你的心与世界、与天地万物链接在一起的时候,你就会感到无上的清凉与光明。而有过那样境界的人,是不会再有烦恼和疑惑的。 The "Peach Blossom Spring" is not merely a secluded place in the geographical sense, but an ideal realm deep within the soul. The three artists in this exhibition, despite their distinct styles of creative themes, share a common core in their expressive purport. In their respective ways, they have re - interpreted the cultural symbol of the "Peach Blossom Spring", which is imbued with profound Eastern connotations. Whether it is the state of self - oblivion in Shen Yue's brushstrokes, the light of clarity in the mottled paper of Ahai's paintings, or the spiritual sojourn amidst the lakes and mountains depicted by Haizhong, they all convey the same message: when your heart connects with the world and all things between heaven and earth, you will experience an ineffable sense of tranquility and illumination. Those who have reached such a state are free from the troubles of worry and doubt. 心中若有“桃花源”,何处不是水云间。 If there is a "Peach Blossom Spring" in your heart, every place is a haven of peace and beauty. 冯黎敏 Feng Limin 2025.2.8 关于艺术家 沈岳 沈岳 艺术家、中国美术学院教授 曾策划并执行2006年中国首届世界佛教论坛 (普陀山) 曾担任北京2008奥运会开闭幕式创意方案委托创作团队主创人员 曾担任《中国非物质文化保护》专题片艺术总监 曾为北京天安门城楼贵宾厅及中南海怀仁堂创作大幅中国画《十月金秋》、《春天》 《琴棋书画》系列装置在2008北京奥运会场馆展出。 《梦回桃源》系列作品,曾在中国美术馆、北京今日美术馆、北京798艺术区,浙江美术馆以及意大利、新西兰等国家展出。 阿海 阿海 1963 出生于中国南京 1989毕业于南京艺术学院美术系 现在工作、生活在上海、旧金山。 林海钟 林海钟 号卧霞散人钱塘后来生 林泉阁主人 1968年生于浙江 杭州 1986年考入浙江美术学院(现中国美术学院)中国画系 2000年攻读博士学位,成为首届中国画六博士之一 现为中国美术学院中国画系教授/博士生导师、浙江山水画研究会会长
责任编辑:王洁 |